Wednesday 13 November 2019

-+My best+-

-+Poison Cat+-

My beast is a cat with spikes on its head. In the middle of the two spikes it has a horn. It also has a star eye patch on its eye, the colour is normally pastel green. The cat has wings and three dragon-like tails with spikes.The poison cat loves to be around water. The Poison Cat normally lives in Caves it would sleep near water or in water, it eats birds snakes it really enjoys cat nip. The Poison cat may look really cute but is really really dangerous it could cause death.

Friday 8 November 2019

-+Drawing is awesome because+-

Drawing is

You can let your mind think of anything that you can draw!
Sometimes drawing calms you down when your mad or upset.

Drawing can be helpful for something like a plan or when your teaching someone something that helps the prison.

Drawing can be something really fun to do in your spare time to help you with the hard day your having.
You can draw for an animation your making also you can make a flip book!

This is why i think drawing is cool!

Wednesday 6 November 2019