Friday 26 March 2021

Waiting at the front of the school

   Waiting at the front of the school

It was a warm sunny day but i couldnt feel the heat, sitting down on the hard concrete floor as i stare out onto the road watching the cars drive past easily able to smell the fuel from the cars. I peer upward as i hear somebody walking past i glare across the road as a policeman walks past grabbing keys from a house door as he strolls back to his car. “What is he doing?” i wonder to myself as he drives off. I start to overhear some dogs in the distance which takes my mind off the policeman i glance up and down the street hoping i could see the dogs, unable to see them i sit back down. Trying to focus on my thinking i hear kids talking about how boring it was, i kinda agreed but i kept my words to myself. “Back to class!” the teacher blurts out as she walks inside of the school, i follow behind her as we walk back to class

Friday 5 March 2021

Introducing myself


My name is Nikita Im 12 years old and im a year 8 at otaki college. My favourite subject at school at the moment is art and writing, my hobbies are 

drawing, animating, colouring in, playing on my Xbox and reading books, my favourite book series is probably goosebumps and the games i play are roblox, Jedi fallen order, slime rancher and battlefront. 

I hope you enjoy reading and I hope you will enjoy what I post.